
If you want to get more clients, more income and a better reputation, you must offer a differentiating service.

Our real estate marketing will help you to be seen as a professional who adds value.

  • You will sell sooner since home staging considerably reduces the time to market a home
  • You will achieve the best sell price and therefore receive a higher commission
  • You will be able to better justify your fees by providing a value proposition superior to your competition
  • You will appeal to more new clients and be able to capture more properties. Great experiences are talked about and shared. Your clients will talk about your services and how easy it has been for them to sell their house with you.
  • A portfolio with high quality photos will help you improve your brand image and convey professionalism

and investors

The housing market is changing and for property developers, simply building homes in the right locations, is no longer enough.

Homebuyers want beautiful homes, well built and nicely presented. Therefore you need to provide prospective buyers with an experience that will make them dream and want to move to an apartment of your new promotion right now.

It is known that an empty house is not appealing to potential buyers as empty rooms give off a cold, lonely vibe and it is very difficult to visualize a future home.

At Valeur Home Staging we adapt to the needs of developers and investors: we can dress spaces with real furniture or with cardboard furniture. We can turn a show flat into an attractive furnished property at an affordable price as we work with materials that guarantee a low investment.

Our home staging is designed to get maximum results with minimum costs.

Employing the services of a home staging professional is one, perfect solution, for homebuilders who want to survive in the current, tightly-margined environment.

Home owners

Whether you have a vacation rental or a house to sell, make sure you invest in it to increase your income and bookings.

If you own a rental unit or a property for sale and want to get the most out of it, find out how our real estate marketing can help you achieve it.

If your home has been on the market for some time without hardly receiving any visit or if you only get requests to lower the price, or if you are already aware that staging your house will help you to take full advantage of your property, try our real estate marketing. We will make potential buyers fall in love with your property at first sight. This will save you a lot of time (and headaches).

  • You will generate more visits.
  • You will increase your listing’s visibility on real estate websites
  • You will sell / rent your house faster
  • You will increase its profitability

Selling or renting your house does not have to be an exhausting process; there is an economical and very effective solution.

What services can we offer you?

  • Full home staging in any type of house and show homes
  • Consultation
  • Property prep
  • Professional listing photos
  • Bonus:

*Virtual Home Staging
*Virtual tour 360º
*Video in 4K
*Photos or video Dron